Content Developer II at Microsoft, working remotely in PA, TechBash conference organizer, former Microsoft MVP, Husband, Dad and Geek.
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Off-grid, offline digital libraries on Raspberry Pi 3

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Arizona State University engineering students designed a new Raspberry Pi-compatible charging controller for SolarSPELL’s solar-powered offline libraries.

SolarSPELL’s patent-pending MPPT charge controller — engineered by ASU students, faculty and staff — works with a Raspberry Pi 3A+ to power the new SolarSPELL digital library. Photo by Abby Johnson / SolarSPELL

You might remember our blog late last year about the SolarSPELL (Solar Powered Educational Learning Library) initiative from Arizona State University. It exists to provide digital libraries, which are made available on a Raspberry Pi 3 via solar-powered offline technology. The rugged, portable devices bring learning opportunities to remote and unconnected places, and the team recently got in touch to tell us about a new development.

SolarSPELL has implemented 597 libraries to date and they’ve no intention of slowing down. Over the last few months, they’ve launched new digital library hardware both in Arizona and in Rwanda to support health and agriculture professionals. Thanks to their Raspberry Pi-powered technology, the initiative has been able to empower Hopi Tribe health educators with a localised library of cancer education resources. The ARU team made a follow-up visit to the Hopi Reservation just last week to check everything is working well.

Bruce Baikie demonstrates the battery indicator display on a SolarSPELL digital library, while Appolo, a community librarian in Rwanda, explores the latest library content. Photo by Rachel Nova / SolarSPELL

They’ve also been able to support Rwandan agriculture trainers who are using SolarSPELL libraries to help them train small-scale farmers in sustainable agriculture techniques.

New charging controller

ASU engineering students have also designed a new 10W charge controller, which was engineered to interface power and data through a Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+. It was the perfect project to give the students some hands-on PCB design experience, all while supporting the SolarSPELL initiative. The goal was to improve energy efficiency and reliability for the off-grid offline digital libraries. They also wanted a compact form factor and, of course, compatibility with Raspberry Pi. The students took on everything from conceptualisation to prototyping, testing, vendor management, and final production run. ASU and SolarSPELL put together a handy blog of their own about the process.

You can keep up with the SolarSPELL initiative on LinkedInFacebook and Instagram.

The post Off-grid, offline digital libraries on Raspberry Pi 3 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

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Cosmos DB AI Developer Guide

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From: Microsoft Developer
Duration: 7:23

In this episode of the #AzureEnablementShow, Aaron, Ricky, and Lanna discuss two new Azure Cosmos DB developer guides—one for Node.js, and one for Python— and a new learning path that teaches you how to build an AI chat bot with Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Open AI.

First, Ricky gives an overview of the developer guides, then Lanna shows the four learn modules that cover how to set up, migrate, manage and use V Core based Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB for generative AI applications. The episode wraps up with a demo of an AI chat bot that uses Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Open AI to answer questions and generate lists based on product data.

• AI copilot Learning Path
• Azure Cosmos DB + Azure OpenAI Node.js Developer Guide
• Azure Cosmos DB + Azure OpenAI Python Developer Guide
• More Copilot Resources

Related episodes
• Make Your Private Copilots Production-ready
• Develop Your Copilot Skills
• Develop your AI coding skills
• Watch the Azure Enablement Show

0:00 Introduction
0:45 2 guides: Python and Node JS
1:21 What’s included
1:35 13 comprehensive chapters
2:20 4 learn modules
3:11 Explore V Core based Azure Cosmos DB
3:16 Migrate utilizing Azure Data Studio
3:33 Manage
3:40 Build your own
4:26 Dev Guide Details
5:25 Chat bot demo
6:40 Resources

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2 hours ago
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#78 - I Left Hawai'i To Work In Startups, With Katie Fujihara

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One’s journey from their early career to working at startups in Silicon Valley can take many forms. Some folks take the more traditional route of joining a company right after college. Others get tired of their corporate life and decide to try something different. Katie Fujihara, an engineer and a technical program manager amalgam, decided that her journey to the heart of “startup land,” San Francisco, would be an impromptu one - she just packed up her bags and set out on an adventure.
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The .NET Generic Math Library

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May 15, 2024 7 minutes read

Generic Math

In November 2022 with the release of .NET 7, new math-related generic interfaces have been added to the .NET Base Class Library (BCL). This is named .NET Generic Math. These interfaces allow you to constrain a type parameter in a generic type or method to behave like a number.

Abstracting Algorithm with Generic Math

.NET Generic Math makes it possible to perform mathematical operations generically, meaning you don’t need to know the exact type you’re working with. For example, this method Middle<T>() abstracts the computation of the middle of two numbers:

using System.Numerics;

Assert.IsTrue(Middle(1, 3) == 2);
Assert.IsTrue(Middle(1, 1.5) == 1.25);

static T Middle<T>(T a, T b) where T: INumber<T> {
   return (a + b) / (T.One + T.One);

This small method doesn’t look like a valid C# code for two reasons:

  • The expression T.One is a call on a static member defined on a generic parameter type.
  • The expression (a + b) / two calls the addition and division operators overloaded on the generic parameter type T.

How does this work?

Interface static abstract members

This is possible because T is required to implement the Generic Math interface System.Numerics.INumber<T>.  This interface is special because it has static abstract members. They were introduced in C# 11 and .NET 7 specifically to enable the implementation of Generic Math.

More specifically the interface INumber<TSelf> extends the interface  INumberBase<T> defined as:

interface INumberBase<TSelf> {
   /// <summary>Gets the value <c>1</c> for the type.</summary>
   static abstract TSelf One { get; }

The interface INumber<TSelf> extends the interfaces IAdditionOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> and IDivisionOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> defined as:

public interface IAdditionOperators<TSelf, TOther, TResult>
        where TSelf : IAdditionOperators<TSelf, TOther, TResult>? {
   static abstract TResult operator +(TSelf left, TOther right);

public interface IDivisionOperators<TSelf, TOther, TResult>
        where TSelf : IDivisionOperators<TSelf, TOther, TResult>? {
   static abstract TResult operator /(TSelf left, TOther right);

Generic Math as a Collection of Fine-Grained Interfaces

We saw that the interface INumber<TSelf> declared in the namespace System.Numerics plays a central role in Generic Math. Generic Math introduces many new fine-grained interfaces to implement every aspect of numerics.

Numeric Interfaces

Numeric interfaces abstract numeric representations like INumber<TSelf>. INumber<TSelf> mostly represent real number types. It extends INumberBase<TSelf> that defines the base for complex and real number types:

namespace System.Numerics
    /// <summary>Defines the base of other number types.</summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TSelf">The type that implements the interface.</typeparam>
    public interface INumberBase<TSelf>
        : IAdditionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>,
          IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf, TSelf>,
          IDivisionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>,
          IEqualityOperators<TSelf, TSelf, bool>,
          IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf, TSelf>,
          IMultiplyOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>,
          ISubtractionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>,
          IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf, TSelf>,
          IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf, TSelf>,
        where TSelf : INumberBase<TSelf>?
    { ...

With a code query on the .NET BCL, we can see which structures implement INumber<TSelf> and which interfaces extend it:

INumber derived

Here are all the numeric interfaces defined in the System.Numerics namespace:

Interface Description
INumberBase<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of all number types, typically real and complex numbers. It exposes properties One and Zero. It exposes the method CreateChecked<TOther>(TOther) that could have been used in our Middle() example above to create the value 2 through T.CreateChecked(2). It exposes other methods like IsComplexNumber(TSelf), IsRealNumber(TSelf), IsInteger(TSelf), IsPositive(TSelf), IsZero(TSelf), IsNan(TSelf) or IsInfinite(TSelf). It is implemented by all numbers shown in the screenshot above, including also the structure Complex.
INumber<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of comparable number types, typically only real numbers. It proposes methods like MaxNumber(TSelf, TSelf) or Sign(TSelf).
IBinaryNumber<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of binary numbers. It proposes the property AllBitsSet and methods like IsPow2(TSelf) and Log2(TSelf).
IBinaryInteger<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of binary integers. It presents methods like GetByteCount().
IFloatingPoint<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of floating-point types like float, double, decimal, System.Half (16 bits floating numbers) and NFloat.
IFloatingPointIeee754<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of floating-point types that implement the IEEE 754 like the ones above except decimal.
IBinaryFloatingPointIeee754<TSelf> Same as above with an emphasis on binary floating-point representation in the IEEE 754 standard. It presents methods like GetExponentByteCount() or GetSignificandBitLength().
IFloatingPointConstants<TSelf> Exposes properties E, Pi and Tau.
ISignedNumber<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of all signed number types through its property T.NegativeOne.
IUnsignedNumber<TSelf> Abstracts the representation and APIs of all unsigned number types.
IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf,TResult> It only exposes T.AdditiveIdentity useful in (x + T.AdditiveIdentity) == x.
IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf,TResult> It only exposes T.MultiplicativeIdentity useful in (x * T.MultiplicativeIdentity) == x.
IMinMaxValue<TSelf> Exposes T.MinValue and T.MaxValue.

Operator interfaces

Operator interfaces each propose an operator available to the C# language.

  • They intentionally avoid pairing operations like multiplication and division, as this isn’t appropriate for all types. For instance, Matrix3x3 * Matrix3x3 is valid but Matrix3x3 / Matrix3x3 isn’t valid.
  • Also, an interface like IMultiplicationOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> has 3 generic parameter types for inputs and the result. For instance, Matrix3x3 * double is valid and dividing two integers returns a double: 5 / 2 = 2.5
Interface Corresponding C# operators
IAdditionOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x + y
ISubtractionOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x - y
IMultiplyOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x * y
IDivisionOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x / y
IEqualityOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x == y and x != y
IComparisonOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x < y, x > y, x <= y, and x >= y
IIncrementOperators<TSelf> ++x and x++
IDecrementOperators<TSelf> --x and x--
IModulusOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x % y
IBitwiseOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x & y, ‘x | y’, x ^ y, and ~x
IShiftOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> x << y and x >> y
IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf,TResult> -x
IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf,TResult> +x

Function interfaces

Function interfaces abstract usual mathematical functions. These interfaces are implemented by floating number structures like float, double, decimal, System.Half and NFloat.

Interface Description
IExponentialFunctions<TSelf> Abstracts exponential functions: Exp(TSelf)Exp10(TSelf), Exp2(TSelf)
ILogarithmicFunctions<TSelf> Abstracts logarithmic functions: Log(TSelf), Log10(TSelf), Log2(TSelf)
ITrigonometricFunctions<TSelf> Abstracts trigonometric functions: Cos(TSelf), Sin(TSelf), Tan(TSelf), Acos(TSelf), Asin(TSelf), Atan(TSelf)
IPowerFunctions<TSelf> Abstracts the power function:  Pow(TSelf,TSelf).
IRootFunctions<TSelf> Abstracts root functions: Sqrt(TSelf), RootN(TSelf,Int32)
IHyperbolicFunctions<TSelf> Abstracts hyperbolic functions: Cosh(TSelf), Sinh(TSelf), Tanh(TSelf)Acosh(TSelf), Asinh(TSelf), Atanh(TSelf),

The methods presented by these interfaces are static abstract methods and can be used through code like this double.Exp(2).

Notice that for compatibility reasons these functions are still implemented by the System.Math class, so we have a doublon: Assert.IsTrue(double.Exp(2) == Math.Exp(2)).

Parsing and formatting interfaces

Formatting involves converting a number into a human-friendly representation, making it easier to read and understand. Conversely, parsing is the reverse process, where textual data is converted back into a numerical format for computational use.

Notice how generic parsing interfaces propose static abstract members.

Interface Description
IParsable<TSelf> Abstracts T.Parse(string, IFormatProvider) and T.TryParse(string, IFormatProvider, out TSelf).
ISpanParsable<TSelf> Abstracts T.Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char>, IFormatProvider) and T.TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char>, IFormatProvider, out TSelf).
IFormattable1 Abstracts value.ToString(string, IFormatProvider).
ISpanFormattable1 Abstracts value.TryFormat(Span<char>, out int, ReadOnlySpan<char>, IFormatProvider).

Interface Implementation and Boxing

Since the introduction of Generic Math, primitive types such as int and double which are structures, now implement some interfaces. But wait, isn’t it generally bad for a structure to implement an interface? This typically leads to boxing. Boxing occurs when the value of a structure is cast to a reference type, such as System.Object or an interface. To accommodate this, an object must be created to host the value. This additional object puts pressure on the Garbage Collector, which is why boxing negatively impacts performance. The program below shows how casting a structure leads to an IL box instruction to be emitted by the C# compiler:

struct and boxing

Keep in mind that Generic Math is designed to abstract algorithms from number representations. As a result, interfaces in Generic Math are typically used within generic methods and generic types. Fortunately, .NET generics have been carefully designed since their inception to avoid boxing in this context. This is demonstrated in the program below that doesn’t rely on the box IL instruction (the method DisposeIt<T>() also does not contain any box IL instruction):

struct and generic


Generic Math is a remarkable innovation introduced in .NET. It involved deep modifications to core primitive types such as int and double, while ensuring that these changes did not negatively impact the performance of existing scenarios. It was made possible thanks to:

  • the implementation of generics in .NET that was meticulously thought out from its very beginning with C# 2
  • the interface static abstract members that were added to C# 11 and the runtime. They are explained in detail in this blog post.

Initially, Generic Math was an experiment from Miguel de Icaza through the project PartyDonk.



The post The .NET Generic Math Library appeared first on NDepend Blog.

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Create Soft Validation of Pull Requests in Azure DevOps

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The Morning Brew #3939

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