Content Developer II at Microsoft, working remotely in PA, TechBash conference organizer, former Microsoft MVP, Husband, Dad and Geek.
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Checking your solution for NuGet vulnerabilities or deprecated packages

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While your software might be the best in the world, it's only as good as the libraries it uses. In this small blog post, we will discover how to check your solution for NuGet vulnerabilities or deprecated packages.
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25 minutes ago
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Using the "slash test" command in GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio

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Unit tests are one of the very important tools in our developer arsenal to get peace of mind. But many developers are often neglecting this step, often by lack of time or motivation to have sufficient coverage on their code. This is difficult, because it's one of these features that you miss the most when you really, really need it. For example, unit tests are critically important when a feature of a referenced library changes, because a new version is released. Or, when a portion of code is refactored, to make sure that the rest of the code is not negatively affected, and still works as expected.


In the new video I just posted, my colleague Gwyn "GPS" Peña-Siguenza demonstrates how GitHub Copilot can create a unit test by using the "slash test" command that we already saw in previous posts. 



Why take advantage of Copilot for unit tests?

Like in every other profession, there are tasks that we developers love to perform, and others that we don't really feel like doing. Scaffolding a new application is one of these examples, it's a lot of work to start a new project and get it to a point where you can finally be creative. Similarly, writing unit tests can be quite a repetitive task and finding motivation can be difficult. A good unit test should test one specific feature of the code. So, to provide a good coverage, you're going to need a lot of test methods and test classes. 


Generative AI is a good tool to perform these repetitive tasks. In the video above, Gwyn shows that being very specific in the prompt will help create very specific test code, which is exactly what we need.


More information

You can learn more about the importance of unit tests, and how to write and run them in Visual Studio in this article.


We published a collection with resources here, and I am updating this with new resources as I discover them. In this collection, you can also explore the previous posts and videos in this series. All the videos referenced are published on the Visual Studio YouTube channel.


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25 minutes ago
West Grove, PA
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Antifragility in Software with Barry O'Reilly

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Six years later, how has antifragility thinking changed? Carl and Richard talk to Barry O'Reilly about his ongoing work on building highly reliable software. Since Barry's last appearance six years ago, he's returned to school and is writing a PhD thesis on antifragility. Studying complexity theory, Barry approaches software architecture with a minimalist view - you only add architecture when you see the application needs it. This leads to ideas around residuality - and a progressive way to build software that yields amazing results!

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26 minutes ago
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Azure Static Web App–Data API Builder

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As a follow-up on the presentation I did at CloudBrew about Azure Static Web Apps I want to write a series of blog posts.

So far I have shown you 2 different possibilities to integrate an API inside your Azure Static Web App:

  1. You have the Managed Function option where you get a built-in Azure Function with a limited set of functionality for free.
  2. You can link your existing API built using Azure Functions, Azure Container Apps, Azure API Management or Azure App Service.

If we look at most applications, these API’s are used to read and write data in a database. If this is also the case for your application, Azure Static Web App has a 3th possibility; the database connection feature.

Database connection feature

The database connection feature allows you to access a database from your static web app without writing custom server-side code. It is based on the Data API Builder project I talked about in a previous post and allows to create a REST and GraphQL api based on your data source.

Both relational(Azure SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL) as non-relational (Azure Cosmos DB) databases are supported.

It is the perfect fit if you want an API with simple CRUD operations, built-in authorization, and relationships.

Integrate the Data API Builder into your Azure Static Web App

It all starts by creating a swa-db-connections folder at the root of your repository. Inside this folder you should add a staticwebapp.database.config.json file. This file defines the runtime behavior of the database connection.

Remark: You can use a different folder if you want by changing the data_api_location setting in your build pipeline:

Inside the staticwebapp.database.config.json file, we can specify if we want to expose both a REST and GraphQL endpoint, which Tables or Entities can be accessed, which operations are supported and so on…

Here is an example where I allow all CRUD actions on a dbo.Product table:

Remark: If you want to learn more on how to configure the Data API Builder, have a look at my previous post and the Data API Builder documentation.

Once the configuration file is in place, we can go to the Azure Portal and link a database to our static web app:

  • Go to your Azure Static Web App in the Azure Portal.
  • Open the Database connection section in the Settings.
  • Click on the Link existing database link to any of your environments.
  • On the Link existing database screen, enter the following details:
    • A database type(e.g. Azure SQL Database)
    • The subscription and resource group where the database can be found
    • The Resource name of the database instance and the specific database inside the instance
    • The authentication type
    • Depending on the authentication type, you need to enter different details. In our case we need to provide a username and password.
  • Click on Link to complete the process.

Remark: If your Azure Static Web App isn’t able to connect to your database, check that Allow Azure services and resources to access this server is checked in the Networking –> Exceptions section of your database server.

Calling the API

We can now call the API through the /data-api endpoint. As we have set in our configuration that anonymous access is allowed, we can directly call the endpoint without authenticating first.

Here is the call using the REST endpoint:

And here we are using the GraphQL endpoint(notice that we get introspection for free):

Remark: The first call can take a little bit longer so certainly implement a retry strategy.

More information

Connecting to a database with Azure Static Web Apps | Microsoft Learn

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26 minutes ago
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Adding .NET Code Coverage to your Azure DevOps pipeline

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A step-by-step guide on how to add code coverage to your .NET project in Azure DevOps.
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26 minutes ago
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The Morning Brew #3931

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