Content Developer II at Microsoft, working remotely in PA, TechBash conference organizer, former Microsoft MVP, Husband, Dad and Geek.
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Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption

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Illustration of electric vehicles charging
Image: Hugo Herrera / The Verge

Republican lawmakers are attempting to overturn the twin pillars of the Biden administration’s climate platform: tax credits for electric vehicles and the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules to curb tailpipe emissions.

The effort involves new bills introduced by members of Congress, as well as lawsuits filed by state attorneys general, all with the goal of rolling back the minimal progress made by the Biden administration to reduce the share of planet-warming carbon emissions produced by the automotive sector.

Last month, 25 Republican attorneys general filed a lawsuit intended to overturn the EPA’s recently finalized tailpipe rules aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2032. In a statement, Kentucky Attorney...

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22 minutes ago
West Grove, PA
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Best practices for optimizing Flutter web loading speed

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As a Flutter developer working with the Google Flutter team and personally in my private time, I encounter and understand the concerns regarding the loading speed of Flutter web apps. Optimizing loading speed is crucial for better performance and a positive user experience, especially as Flutter developers expand into web development. This guide offers actionable strategies and best practices to accelerate the performance of your Flutter web apps.


CanvasKit, the default renderer for Flutter web applications, offers high performance and pixel-perfect consistency across platforms by leveraging WebGL. This capability is particularly beneficial for complex graphical applications that require rich animations and high fidelity. However, the inherent file size of CanvasKit (around 1.5 MB) can be a drawback, especially for apps where initial load time is critical.

Although the flutter.js load API parallelizes the download of CanvasKit and main.dart.js, all Flutter widgets have to wait for them to be fully loaded into the browser, potentially leading to noticeable delays before the application becomes interactive. To mitigate these concerns and optimize the loading experience, developers can choose the Wasm rendering mode.

As WebAssembly support in Flutter web is considered experimental and subject to change, these steps are for developers willing to experiment with cutting-edge features. Features and commands might evolve, so always refer to the latest Flutter documentation for current practices.


The dart:html package is not supported when building with Wasm. This limitation means you must carefully consider the APIs on which your app depends. Alternatively, the web package is supported by both dart2wasm and dart2js.


Wasm not only reduces app size compared to CanvasKit, it’s also faster to start up compared to JavaScript.

Lazy loading

Dart’s deferred imports allow you to split your code and load parts of it only when needed, reducing the initial load time. The following sections discuss how you can use deferred loading.

Declare a deferred import

At the top of your Dart file, declare the import that you want to defer. In your import statement, specify deferred as followed by an identifier. When you need to use the library, load it asynchronously using the loadLibrary() method on the deferred import:

import 'package:myapp/hello.dart' deferred as hello;

Future<void> loadHelloLibrary() async {
await hello.loadLibrary();

Call the load function

In your Flutter app, call this function when needed, for example, as a response to user interactions. The following example loads the needed library when the user presses a widget:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
runApp(MaterialApp(home: MyApp()));

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Text('Load Feature'),

Unawaited function calls

In order to reduce the time taken to display the initial widget of your app, try to not await for costly futures before calling runApp. Some futures can be left un-awaited so they update the UI after they complete. The unawaited function allows app programmers to explicitly tell the “unawaited futures” lint that those futures are not expected to be awaited. This improvement enhances the user experience during both app startup and page loading by making the app feel more responsive. However, it’s important to manage such functions carefully to avoid issues related to app state consistency and resource management.

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
unawaited(downloadVideos().then(videos) {

runApp(const MyApp());

Media files

Displaying assets at optimal resolution

Flutter automatically handles loading assets at the appropriate resolution based on the device’s pixel density. This ensures optimal visuals across different screen sizes. While it’s important to optimize assets for efficient delivery, prioritize providing assets at the exact resolutions needed before exploring alternative image formats, as we’ll talk about in the next section.

Better image compression

PNG and JPG are among the most prevalent image formats used on websites. These formats are renowned for their widespread support and compatibility. However, emerging next-generation formats like WebP and AVIF offer significant advancements in reducing file sizes without substantially compromising image quality. For instance, a PNG image with an original size of 319 KB can be compressed to just 38 KB in WebP format or, even more impressively, to 10 KB in AVIF format. These reductions in file size are achieved with minimal perceptible loss in quality to the human eye, demonstrating the potential of these formats to enhance website loading speeds while maintaining visual fidelity.

PNG 319 KB / WebP 38 KB / AVIF 10 KB

However, it’s important to note that not all browsers support WebP and AVIF images. Before integrating these formats into your website, verify their compatibility with the browsers your audience uses most frequently. This will help you determine whether these next-generation image formats align with your website’s requirements and audience needs.


Memory, disk, service workers cache

Leveraging the capabilities of memory cache, disk cache, and Service Workers can significantly reduce loading times after the initial page load. This is because these caching mechanisms require files to be loaded once before they can cache them. Memory cache, stored in RAM, offers rapid access speeds but is volatile. On the other hand, disk cache, although slower, provides persistence. Service Workers act as programmable network proxies, enabling sophisticated caching strategies across both memory and disk.

Browsers or operating systems usually manage memory and disk caches automatically, eliminating the need for manual intervention unless there’s a specific requirement to manipulate them programmatically. While Flutter manages Service Workers to some extent, developers have the flexibility to implement custom Service Workers alongside Flutter for enhanced control over caching and network interactions.


Browsers cache Wasm files (like CanvasKit, and soon dart2wasm output) as well as their compiled native code. This means cached Wasm modules load as quickly as native binaries, unlike JavaScript, which requires reparsing, recompilation, and reJIT (Just-In-Time) processing.

While Flutter’s Wasm build option isn’t fully stable yet, adopting modern JS-interop practices benefit you when dart2wasm stabilizes. For example, avoid using legacy libraries like dart:html and dart:js, and prefer package:web and dart:js_interop. Also, consider checking whether other packages you are using are compatible with Wasm.


HTML <head tag>, HTTP response headers

Preloading assets like images, fonts, and JavaScript files can significantly improve webpage loading speed. By preloading within the HTML <head> tag or using HTTP response headers, you instruct the browser to download these resources before they’re needed for rendering. This eliminates delays and ensures a smoother user experience. To preload assets, add the <link> tag in the <head> section and set the rel attribute to preload. Only preload assets that are used immediately, optimally in the first screen of your app, otherwise browsers will consider the preloading as a waste of bandwidth.

HTML <head> tag

<link rel="preload" href="assets/logo.webp" as="image" type="image/webp" />
<source src="assets/logo.webp" type="image/webp" />

HTTP response headers for Firebase hosting

The following code block is a firebase.json example with a key/value combo demonstrating how to add HTTP headers for asset preloading.

"headers": [
"key": "Link",
"value": "<assets/logo.webp>; rel=preload; as=image"

Landing page

Flutter empowers you to build fully interactive landing pages for your app using plain HTML/CSS. While users engage with your landing page, flutter.js preloads your Flutter app — ensuring instant launches when the user navigates to the Flutter app. This is especially beneficial for games with a Play button and apps that require logging in.

Loading/splash screen

While we’ve focused on technical optimizations for app loading speed, perceived loading speed is more critical. Your goal should be to make your app feel fast.

Loading/splash screens are highly effective in enhancing this perception. By providing visual activity, they reassure users that the app is launching promptly. In contrast, a blank screen breeds uncertainty, potentially leading to frustration and page refreshes.

For the fastest responsiveness, implement your splash screen directly in your index.html file using plain CSS/HTML. This minimizes any potential delays.

For an example, check out the Flutter Gallery implementation.


In this doc, we’ve explored ways to accelerate both the initial loading and rendering performance of your Flutter web app. There are various strategies you can employ, but remember that each solution involves trade-offs. Choose the optimizations that best suit your specific needs and those of your users. By combining these approaches, you’ll create a smoother, more responsive user experience for your Flutter web apps.

Best practices for optimizing Flutter web loading speed was originally published in Flutter on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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22 minutes ago
West Grove, PA
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OpenAI and Stack Overflow partner to bring more technical knowledge into ChatGPT

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A rendition of OpenAI’s logo, which looks like a stylized whirlpool.
Illustration: The Verge

OpenAI and the developer platform Stack Overflow have announced a partnership that could potentially improve the performance of AI models and bring more technical information into ChatGPT.

OpenAI will have access to Stack Overflow’s API and will receive feedback from the developer community to improve the performance of AI models. OpenAI, in turn, will give Stack Overflow attribution — aka link to its contents — in ChatGPT. Users of the chatbot will see more information from Stack Overflow’s knowledge archive if they ask ChatGPT coding or technical questions. The companies write in the press release that this will “foster deeper engagement with content.”

Stack Overflow will use OpenAI’s large language models to expand its Overflow AI,...

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3 hours ago
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.NET MAUI Community Tookit Update Adds TouchBehavior

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A new feature in the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit allows developers to interact with any visual element in an app based on touch, mouse clicks and hover events.
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3 hours ago
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AI Chatbots in the Omniverse: Powering Omnichannel Data for Retail Success

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Retailers face multiple customer service pain points.

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3 hours ago
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Create a home for your community with GitHub Discussions

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Incorporating new technology into your organization’s workflow involves more than just understanding the tool—it requires a culture shift towards community. By creating a destination for inspiration and knowledge sharing, you can enable your teams and individuals to accomplish more together.

GitHub Discussions is a dedicated space for conversations. It decreases the burden of managing active work in issues and pull requests by providing a separate space to host ongoing discussions, questions, and ideas. We use GitHub Discussions to enable dialogue among tens of thousands of community members via the GitHub Community Discussions, to host a private GitHub maintainers community, and to support team-internal conversations.

We created GitHub Community-in-a-box, packaging up tooling, resources, and knowledge, for organizations of all sizes, to enable our customers to build internal communities of learning at scale using GitHub Discussions.

Let’s take a look at ways to manage GitHub Discussions for your community, best practices for moderation, tips for promoting healthy engagement and content creation, and ideas for going the extra mile for your community.

When might GitHub Discussions be useful for you?

You can use GitHub Discussions to chat about big-picture ideas, brainstorm, and develop a project’s specific details before committing it to an issue, which can then be scoped. GitHub Discussions is useful for teams in a number of scenarios:

  • You are in the discovery phase of a project and are still learning which direction your team wants to go in.
  • You want to collect feedback from a wider community about a project.
  • You want to keep bug fixes, feature requests, and general conversations separate.
  • You want to measure interest in new ideas and gauge community opinion using polls.

To learn more about GitHub Community-in-a-box and get started with GitHub Discussions, check out this guide, download our community checklist, and don’t miss GitHub Community Discussions Announcements to keep up with new features, events, beta programs, surveys, and more!

Managing a successful GitHub Discussions community

Based on what we’ve learned through our community, we have a few recommendations that will help yours thrive:

1. Grant helpful community members moderator or maintainer permissions to help drive a healthy community, as well as moderate and guide your community space.

Screenshot of the menu from which you can promote a member to admin.

2. Create categories.

Think about the topics your community will likely discuss and group them into the most relevant categories. This will ensure your community stays neat and organized. GitHub Discussions come with a few default categories:

Screenshot of the list of default categories for GitHub Discussions. They are: announcements, general, ideas, polls, Q&A, and Show and tell.

But it takes seconds to set up additional ones, as you can see in the example below:

Screenshot of the form to add a new category to GitHub Discussions. The fields include category name, description, and discussion format.

3. Leverage GitHub Discussions category forms.

You can encourage community members to include specific, structured information in their discussions by using discussion forms in your repository. Let’s make a basic category form for our Knowledge base category we created in the last step:

Screenshot of the metadata for creating a basic category form.

Once you commit the change and start a new discussion for the Knowledge base category, you will see your category form in action:

Screenshot of a new discussion being started using the "Knowledge base" category form created in the previous step.

4. Create + add labels to discussions to organize them more granularly.

This will enable your community to filter by relevant labels and will also create more meaningful data insights for your community. Similar to categories, GitHub Discussions comes with a set of default labels:

Screenshot of the list of default labels for GitHub Discussions. They are: bug, documentation, duplicate, enhancement, good first issue, and help wanted.

But let’s create a few additional ones that meet our community’s needs:

Screenshot of the form for creating a new label.

5. Pin important discussions.

You can pin a discussion for the repository as I have done here with my GitHub Discussions resources post:

Screenshot of the Community-in-a-Box discussions page, with discussions titled "Welcome to community-in-a-box discussions!" and "GitHub Discussions resources" pinned to the top of the page.

Or to a specific category:

Screenshot of a discussion pinned to the landing page of the "Knowledge base" category.

The globally pinned discussions will be shown in addition to the discussions pinned to a specific category.

Deep dive: GitHub Discussions moderation

Moderation of a community is incredibly important to the overall community health (see the GitHub Docs for detailed guidance). The following best practice tips will help you maintain an active and healthy community:

1. Reply to posts in assigned categories.

Replying to questions and comments within a reasonable amount of time (such as in this example) is important to ensure community members find value in your discussions instance, and will encourage them to return and actively contribute to your community. In order to manage the workload we recommend assigning dedicated moderators per category depending on the new discussions volume created per day.

A user "santoshvandari" has replied to a discussion.

2. Mark comments as answers.

If a question has been resolved, mark the best comment as an answer (see the below example from the GitHub Community Discussions).

The comment on a discussion that has been marked as answer is highlighted in green and labeled as the answer.

This will aid community members in finding solutions to their questions and will motivate contributions as community members with the highest number of marked answers will appear in the “Most helpful” leaderboard of your GitHub Discussions community.

3. Manage spam.

Spam is unlikely to occur in an internal community, however, it may happen that community members post comments that are off-topic or engage in heated discussions. We recommend you warn offenders and hide their discussions. In cases of repeat abuse, you may want to consider blocking someone from your community completely.

We recommend adding a Code of Conduct to define community standards, signal a welcoming and inclusive project, and outline procedures for handling abuse. When you add a Code of Conduct like the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct to your repository, it will automatically be linked in your discussions instance as well once you commit the file.

The code of conduct for the Community-in-a-box repository.

Screenshot of the sidebar of a repository with its various links. A link to the code of conduct is near the bottom.

You may want to consider creating other community health files depending on your specific needs.

4. Lock or unlock discussions.

This is a valuable feature for scenarios when you want to keep a discussion in your community in “read-mode” only but don’t want to enable community members to leave further comments (for example, you requested feedback for a feature but collected enough information). Have a look at this post from the GitHub Community Discussions for reference:

Screenshot of a discussion that has been locked. This is indicated by the presence of a gray "locked" icon underneath its title.

5. Edit or delete comments.

You have the option to edit or delete comments in case community members post inappropriate content or confidential information.

Screenshot of a comment with the menu options pulled up (access by clicking the three dots at the top of the comment.) The options include edit, hide, delete, report content, and block user.

6. Recategorise posts.

Community members may accidentally post discussions in the wrong category. To keep your community clean and tidy, we recommend you move posts to the correct category.

Screenshot of the change category menu.

7. Apply labels.

We recommend creating a variety of labels with regards to the format (for example,question, feature request, bug report, feedback) as well as topic (for example, GitHub Actions, GitHub Copilot, GitHub Codespaces) of discussions within your community. The ability to filter by labels will ease moderation, help community members find the right answers, and enhance the data you collect. To gain inspiration, take a peek at the labels we use in the GitHub Community Discussions.

Screenshot of the list of labels available in the community-in-a-box repository.

Going the extra mile

In the section above we described the basics of community management. If you want to take it a step further and provide the best experience for community members, here are a few more suggestions:

1. Welcome new community members

When someone new joins your community, make an effort to send them a personal welcome message. You can even start an “Introduce Yourself” thread (tip: pin the thread globally or in the right category) for community members to post little paragraphs about themselves and to make their first discussions contribution as easy as possible.

Screenshot of a discussion by use "ettaboyle" welcoming new members and inviting them to introduce themselves.

2. Look for community members who are actively participating and posting great answers— appreciate and motivate them.

Each community has certain members who go above and beyond to be helpful to others. They are the pillars of your community. To help retain your top contributors and to keep them motivated, show them some love. You can do so for example by highlighting them in a discussions post. The Most helpful leaderboard will show your community’s top contributors over the past 30 days:

Screenshot showing six users that have been the most helpful in the last 30 days.

Use Discussions insights to understand the contribution activity, page views, and growth of your discussions community. In addition, you can see what is most popular in your categories and track the top viewed posts every week. This information can help you craft content based on topics community members seem to struggle with or are most interested in.

Screenshot of four graphs available on the community insights tab.

4. Create content to generate engagement and enhance your community knowledge base.

Consider crafting monthly check-ins, AMAs (Ask Me Anything), product update announcements, or blog posts written by subject matter experts.

Screenshot of a discussion called "Using GitHub apps"

GitHub is a community of communities, including yours.

We hope these resources help you build and manage your own online communities using GitHub Discussions!

Additional resources for launching and managing your own GitHub Discussions community

The post Create a home for your community with GitHub Discussions appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

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3 hours ago
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