Content Developer II at Microsoft, working remotely in PA, TechBash conference organizer, former Microsoft MVP, Husband, Dad and Geek.
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SQL turns 50 this month -- why is it still going strong? [Q&A]

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Data management language SQL (originally published as SEQUEL) first appeared in May 1974, so this month marks its 50th anniversary. We spoke to Peter Zaitsev, founder at Percona, to find out why SQL has survived for the last 50 years, and is still the third most used language for programmers and software developers according to Stack Overflow. BN: Why was SQL successful at the time, and why is it still used today? PZ: I think SQL was successful because it gave us a data language -- a set of tools that could be used to work with and manipulate data… [Continue Reading]
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2 hours ago
West Grove, PA
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Reshaping the future of API platforms

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Marco Palladino, CTO and cofounder of cloud-native API gateway Kong, talks with Ryan about the complexities of multi-cloud Kubernetes architecture, how AI has the potential to improve infrastructure management, and how Kong’s large action model will reshape the future of API platforms.
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2 hours ago
West Grove, PA
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Recently, many Microsoft employees taking training courses have reported problems accessing documents linked to in those courses in Chrome and Edge.

In Edge, the screen looks like this:

But the problem isn’t limited to Microsoft’s internal training platform, and can be easily reproduced in Chrome:

What’s going on?

There are a number of root causes for an ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT message, and the most common root cause is that you’ve installed a content-blocking extension (e.g. an ad-blocker) and it directed the browser to block the page.

But that’s not what’s happening here — we saw this on machines without any content blocking extensions.

What’s happening here is that the PDF viewer is blocked from loading because the new tab was created as a popup under the restrictions of the HTML5 Sandbox. The sandbox rules applied to the new tab include prohibitions on script and extensions, and Chromium’s PDF viewer requires both. So, the user ends up with a totally inexplicable blocking page.

Refreshing the page will not fix it, and shockingly, even navigating the tab to a different, non-PDF URL, will still likely result in failures (either script won’t run, or the page will not load) because the sandboxing limits are not removed upon manual navigation. For instance, Twitter refuses to load:

Twitter shows ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE due to its use of Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy

As an end-user, the workaround is easy: Copy/paste the URL from the broken tab to a new one and your document will load just fine.

As a web developer, to avoid creating unexpectedly impaired tabs, you must set the allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox flag; when you do so, new windows will not be restricted.

A quick look showed that our company training app specifies this flag, but the new tab was still impaired.

What gives?

A deeper look showed that the training app contains nested sandboxes — while an inner iframe includes the allow token, that iframe’s parent does not have the token.

The grandparent’s restriction on its child also restricts its grandchild:

Perhaps the Chromium dev tools should warn if a child iframe‘s sandbox directive specifies permissions that that will be denied by the grandparent’s restrictions on the parent?

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2 hours ago
West Grove, PA
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#77 - Write About The Things You Learned, With Rachel Andrew (Google)

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For today’s episode, I had the privilege of sitting down with Rachel Andrew, arguably one of the more influential folks in the world of web development. With a career spanning over two decades, Rachel has left an indelible mark on the web developer community. From her groundbreaking work on CSS to her role as co-founder of Perch CMS (she spent 20 years as a freelancer and a business owner), Rachel’s contributions have shaped the way we build and interact with the web.
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2 hours ago
West Grove, PA
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Article: Polyglot Programming with WebAssembly: A Practical Approach

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WebAssembly has expanded its scope from browsers to other domains like cloud and edge computing. It uses the WebAssembly Component Model (WCM) to enable seamless interaction between libraries from different programming languages, such as Rust, Python, and JavaScript, promoting a true polyglot programming environment.

By Matt Butcher
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2 hours ago
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Linked Lists in Real Life

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I’ve been occasionally writing posts about old design patterns or techniques that are still occasionally useful despite the decades long backlash to the old “Gang of Four” book:

A linked list structure is a simple data structure where each element has a reference to the next element. At its simplest, it’s no more than this single linked list implementation:

public abstract class Item
    public Item Next { get; set; }

Now, I got into software development through Shadow IT rather than a formal Computer Science degree, so I can’t really get into what Big O notation stuff a linked list gives you for sorting or finding or whatnot (and don’t really care either). What I can tell you that I have occasionally used linked list structures to great effect, with at least two samples within the greater “Critter Stack” / JasperFx codebases.

For the first example, consider the complex SQL generation from this LINQ query in Marten using Marten’s custom “Include Related Documents” feature:

        // theSession is an IDocumentSession from Marten
        var holders = await theSession.Query<TargetHolder>()
            .Include<Target>(x => x.TargetId, list, t => t.Color == Colors.Green)

Behind the scenes, Marten is generating this pile of lovely SQL:

drop table if exists mt_temp_id_list1; 
create temp table mt_temp_id_list1 as (select, from public.mt_doc_targetholder as d);
 select, from public.mt_doc_target as d where ( in (select CAST( ->> 'TargetId' as uuid) from mt_temp_id_list1 as d) and CAST( ->> 'Color' as integer) = $1);
  $1: 2

If you squint really hard, you can notice that Marten is actually executing four different SQL statements in one logical query. Internally, Marten is using a linked list structure to “plan” and then generate the SQL from the raw LINQ Expression tree using the Statement type, partially shown below:

public abstract partial class Statement: ISqlFragment
    public Statement Next { get; set; }
    public Statement Previous { get; set; }

    public StatementMode Mode { get; set; } = StatementMode.Select;

    /// <summary>
    ///     For common table expressions
    /// </summary>
    public string ExportName { get; protected internal set; }

    public bool SingleValue { get; set; }
    public bool ReturnDefaultWhenEmpty { get; set; }
    public bool CanBeMultiples { get; set; }

    public void Apply(ICommandBuilder builder)
        if (Next != null)
            if (Mode == StatementMode.Select)

            builder.Append(" ");

    public void InsertAfter(Statement descendent)
        if (Next != null)
            Next.Previous = descendent;
            descendent.Next = Next;

        if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, descendent))
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                "Whoa pardner, you cannot set Next to yourself, that's a stack overflow!");

        Next = descendent;
        descendent.Previous = this;

    /// <summary>
    ///     Place the descendent at the very end
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="descendent"></param>
    public void AddToEnd(Statement descendent)
        if (Next != null)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, descendent))

            Next = descendent;
            descendent.Previous = this;

    public void InsertBefore(Statement antecedent)
        if (Previous != null)
            Previous.Next = antecedent;
            antecedent.Previous = Previous;

        antecedent.Next = this;
        Previous = antecedent;

    public Statement Top()
        return Previous == null ? this : Previous.Top();

    // Find the selector statement at the very end of 
    // the linked list
    public SelectorStatement SelectorStatement()
        return (Next == null ? this : Next.SelectorStatement()).As<SelectorStatement>();

    // And a some other stuff...

The Statement model is a “double linked list,” meaning that each element is aware of both its direct ancestor (Previous) and the next descendent (Descendent). With the Statement model, I’d like to call out a couple wrinkles that made the linked list strategy a great fit for complex SQL generation.

First off, the SQL generation itself frequently requires multiple statements from the top level statement down to the very last statement, and you can see that happening in the Apply() method above that writes out the SQL for the current Statement, then calls Next.Apply() all the way down to the end of the chain — all while helping Marten’s (really Weasel’s) batch SQL generation “know” when it should start a new command (see NpgsqlBatch for a little more context on what I mean there).

Also note all the methods for inserting a new Statement directly before or after the current Statement. Linked lists are perfect for when you frequently need to insert new elements before or after or even at the very end of the chain rather than at a known index. Here’s an example from Marten that kicks in sometimes when a user uses the LINQ Distinct() operator:

For more context if you’ve lived a more charmed life and have never run across them, here’s an explanation of Common Table Expressions from PostgreSQL (this is commonly supported in other databases).

internal class DistinctSelectionStatement: Statement
    public DistinctSelectionStatement(SelectorStatement parent, ICountClause selectClause, IMartenSession session)



        var selector = new SelectorStatement { SelectClause = selectClause };

    protected override void configure(ICommandBuilder sql)
        sql.Append("select distinct(data) from ");
        sql.Append(" as d");

When Marten has to apply this DistinctSelectionStatement, it modifies its immediate parent statement that probably started out life as a simple select some_field from some_table query into a common table expression query, and appends the DistinctSelectionStatement behind its parent to do the actual SQL distinct mechanics.

In this particular case of the SQL generation, it’s been frequently necessary for a Statement to “know” about its immediate ancestor, as you can see in the sample code above where the DistinctSelectStatement picks off the ExportName (the CTE name of the preceding statement) to use in generating the right SQL in DistinctSelectStatement.Apply().

For another example, both Marten and Wolverine use a runtime code generation model to build a lot of their “glue” code between the framework and user’s application code (you can see an example of that runtime code generation in this post). One of the core conceptual abstractions in the shared code generation model is the abstract Frame class which roughly equates to logical step in the generated code — usually just a single line of code. During the code generation process, the Frame objects are assembled in a single linked list structure so each Frame.

When actually writing out the generated source code, a typical Frame will write its code, then tell the next Frame to write out its code and so on — as shown by this sample class:

// This is from Wolverine, and weaves in code
// to add selected tags from incoming messages to
// message handlers into the current Open Telemetry Activity
public class AuditToActivityFrame : SyncFrame
    private readonly Type _inputType;
    private readonly List<AuditedMember> _members;
    private Variable? _input;

    public AuditToActivityFrame(IChain chain)
        _inputType = chain.InputType()!;
        _members = chain.AuditedMembers;

    public override IEnumerable<Variable> FindVariables(IMethodVariables chain)
        _input = chain.FindVariable(_inputType);
        yield return _input;

    public override void GenerateCode(GeneratedMethod method, ISourceWriter writer)
        writer.WriteComment("Application-specific Open Telemetry auditing");
        foreach (var member in _members)
                $"{typeof(Activity).FullNameInCode()}.{nameof(Activity.Current)}?.{nameof(Activity.SetTag)}(\"{member.OpenTelemetryName}\", {_input!.Usage}.{member.Member.Name});");

        // Tell the next frame to write its code too!
        Next?.GenerateCode(method, writer);

Where the linked list structure really comes into play with the source generation is when you need to wrap the inner Next Frame with some kind of coding construct like a using block or a try/finally block maybe. Here’s an example of doing just that where the following CatchStreamCollisionFrame places a try/catch block around the code generated by the Next frame (and all of the other frames after the Next frame as well):

// This is the actual middleware that's injecting some code
// into the runtime code generation
internal class CatchStreamCollisionFrame : AsyncFrame
    public override void GenerateCode(GeneratedMethod method, ISourceWriter writer)
        writer.WriteComment("Catches any existing stream id collision exceptions");
        // Write the inner code here
        Next?.GenerateCode(method, writer);
BLOCK:catch({typeof(ExistingStreamIdCollisionException).FullNameInCode()} e)
await {typeof(StreamCollisionExceptionPolicy).FullNameInCode()}.{nameof(StreamCollisionExceptionPolicy.RespondWithProblemDetails)}(e, httpContext);


The ugly generated code above will catch a Marten exception named ExistingStreamIdCollisionException in the generated code for a Wolverine.HTTP endpoint and return a ProblemDetails result explaining the problem and an HTTP status code of 400 (Invalid) instead of letting the exception bubble up.

By having the linked list structure where each Frame is aware of the next Frame, it makes it relatively easy to generate code when you need to wrap the inner code in some kind of C# block structure.


I spent a lot of time as a kid helping my Dad on his construction crew and helping my grandfather on his farm (you can’t possibly imagine how often farming equipment breaks). Both of them obviously had pretty large toolboxes — but there’s some tools that don’t come out very often, but man you were glad you had them when you did need them. The average developer probably isn’t going to use linked lists by hand very often, but I’ve found them to be very helpful when you need to either model a problem as outer/inner handlers or ancestor/descendents. Linked lists are also great when you need to be able to easily insert items into the greater collection relative to another item.

Anyway, dunno if these examples are too involved or too specious, but there the only two times I’ve used a linked list in the past decade.

I hope it’s obvious, but the JasperFx Software logo is meant to be a tractor tire around a cattle brand. The company name and logo is a little tribute to my family heritage, such as it is:)

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2 hours ago
West Grove, PA
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